KBUU Newswire Wed Sept 8

KBUU Newswire Wed Sept 8

The Malibu Times
September 8, 2021, 9:37 am
= Air B and B … the company … is trying to torpedo Malibu’s Air B and B ordinance. = The city urges Malibu residents to testify via phone today … tell the Coastal Commission we need the rules. = Th ehomeless count in Malibu is dropping … at the same time the city’s homeless bureaucracy is growing. = The new task force has 10 members … 5 proposed subcommittees … and an idea to put homeless to work chopping weeds. = A proposed 20 room hotel … and making more room for cyclists on a section of PCH … go before the Planning Commission. = The sheriff demotes one of his chiefs … more turmoil in Alex Villanueva’s inner circle. = And elections officials reassure the public … there is no need for an Arizona-style recount mess in the California election. Malibu's Only Local Daily News ...