Stewards and stakeholders of the Santa Monica Bay watershed are working in collaboration to help keep our local waters clean and plentiful. In the midst of a drought and while
Sadly, two drivers stood outside their wrecked cars on the freeway and were subsequently sideswiped by another passing car. This provides insights about the advent of AI self-driving cars. Here's the close look.
California Coastal Commission staff presented two important items regarding sea level rise in coastal cities like Malibu at the commission’s September meeting last week.
Months after Oscar-nominated filmmaker Lucy Walker began making a documentary about the largest-ever wildfire in California, the blaze lost its crown to an even bigger inferno.The 2017 Thomas Fire is now only the seventh worst by area destroyed — and is likely to be overtaken soon by the Dixie Fire raging through the state’s northern forests,
Green Stream Holdings says it is working once again with full service engineering solutions provider KMB Design Group to assist the company in installing
The Mystic Blue BMW E46 ZHP I call mine is the first car I’ve ever owned in a truly gorgeous color. Because of this color, it has attracted some friends of a similar hue, and going on drives with those friends results in some fun photo opportunities.
Malibu residents on the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) email list were in for a shock last week when they received a school district-created video full of alleged misinformation
First recorded in 1728, the moon’s wobble is nothing new. KQED describes the phenomenon as a “regular oscillation in the lunar orbit,” an ongoing cycle that takes about 18.6 years
And so, as we trail off a year on the brakes and roll onto the—oh, I don’t know, throttle of normalcy?—revisiting the MX-5 on a quiet road above the Pacific Ocean, the kind of place where the Miata ethos was born,
After The Malibu Times recently wrote about gift card scams, some Malibu locals have been discussing other scams widely perpetrated—many using the cover of Southern California Edison (SCE).
Mobile Relay Associates will have to face a $25,000 fine for not properly sharing a channel with other licensees after the Federal Communications Commission denied the communication company's appeal of the enforcement action on Tuesday.
Owning something like this is a status symbol in some circles…Considerable praise has been heaped upon E.C.D. Design of Kissimmee, Florida for its all-electric Range Rover Classic restomod offering. The shop,
Twenty percent or less of those rainbow trout then seek ocean water downstream and transform into the larger, silvery steelheads as they adapt to the saltwater. But Southern California’s steelheads are endangered,
Solar Watt Solutions will increase solar and storage installations for its customers into the regions bringing cost-effective and sustainable backup energy solutions to Southern California homeowners.
A Cleveland man used the downturn during the COVID pandemic to make his business dream come true, and the gaming app he created allows all users a creative escape.
Malibu and the Santa Susana Mountains, as was the case before 2018’s Woolsey fire. Droughts are deviations from the norm. What we have now is no deviation. It is the norm itself. Our climate has ...
A Malibu wildlife photographer has gathered an incredible collection of videos showing just how many close encounters between great white sharks and humans there actually are off the coast of Southern California.
Getty Image We’ve all been wired to consider sharks as a terrifying, flesh-eating human eaters, myself included. In reality, as you’ve likely heard time and time again on Shark Week
Sustainability is one of those things that feels somehow both extremely simple and extremely complicated at the same time. But for every piece of advice you’ve heard a thousand times—looking at you, trusty reusable grocery bags—there’s a ton more ...