Atherton, California is the most expensive zip code in the United States. Number 1. Atherton manages to achieve that rank every year, year after year. In 2022 the AVERAGE price of a home sold in Atherton was $9 million.
Just because she wanted to have a bolthole in Malibu in California to take you and your brother on vacation once or twice a year isn’t to say she was about to abandon the country … She never would have abandoned the country,” he added. “I’ve got ...
A hairstylist and actress have been charged in a 12-count indictment alleging they defrauded a Malibu physician out of more than $2.7 million before his death and then attempted to defraud his estate out of an additional amount exceeding $20 million,
Jan. 25, Malibu participated for the eighth year in a row in LA County’s annual homeless count, coordinated by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA).
Malibu’s Betsy Hirsch Rosen is changing that narrative for her grandson, Malibu children, and children all over with her first published book, “Black and White Friends.” Rosen wants to ...
All lanes reopened at the connector between Interstate 580 and Interstate 238 Monday morning in Alameda County following a fatal collision involving a pedestrian, according to a California Highway Patrol spokesman.